The Violin Test
Which Violin Playing Friend of Myke's Are you Most Like?
I spent most of my time in college...
Debugging C programs
Organizing a baroque orchestra
Pining over Soviet composers
Composing, and growing a beard
People tell me I look like...
A madonna worshipping woman's study major
Someone implicated in 9-11
A mosquito [
just kidding!
Someone they knew in High School
I keep my violin tuned...
In fifths
In an alternating set of fifths and fourths which facilitates microtonal fingering patterns and traditional raga.
Someday, I want to be...
Fluent in 20 obscure languages
A political activist of international renown
Thin, with extremely black hair and a great smile...
whoops, that's already happened!
In Berlin
My usual distance from Myke this year is...
7000 miles
3200 miles
270 miles
3 miles
8 inches, or less